acs1 - Variable in class xbn.placeholder.s_acs_acs
acs2 - Variable in class xbn.placeholder.s_acs_acs
activate() - Method in class xbn.output.OWFile
Activate this OWFile.
actuallyWriteLine(String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.output.Outputter
Write a line of output to the destination.
add(char) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Add a char.
add(double) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Add an double.
add(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Add an int.
add(Named) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Add a Named object.
add(Named) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
Add a new Named object to the array.
add(Object) - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Add an object.
add(String) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add a string.
addAOChar(char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of chars.
addAOInt(int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of ints.
addAPChar(APChar) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of chars, as protected by the provided APChar.
addAPChar(APChar) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Add an array of chars, as protected by the provided APChar.
addAPInt(APInt) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of chars, as protected by the provided APInt.
addAPInt(APInt) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Add an array of ints, as protected by the provided APInt.
addAPObject(APObject) - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Add an array of objects, as protected by the provided APObject.
addAPString(APString) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of strings, as protected by the provided APString.
addArray(char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Add an array of chars.
addArray(double[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Add an array of doubles.
addArray(int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Add an array of ints.
addArray(Named[]) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Add an array of strings.
addArray(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Add an array of Objects.
addArray(String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an array of strings.
addChar(char) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add a character.
addInt(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Add an int.
addOrReplace(Named) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
Add a new or replace an existing Named object in the array.
addString(String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Add a new string to the AOSLookup.
addToACChar(VWChar) - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
Add the char-array-being-protected to the provided VWChar.
addToACInt(VWInt) - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
Add the int-array-being-protected to the provided VWInt.
addToVWObject(VWObject) - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Add the array-being-protected to the provided VWObject.
addToVWString(VWString) - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Add the string-array-being-protected to the provided VWString.
addUnqGapNamesToACS(VWString, ForLineRetrieval, GapConfig, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Add all the unique gap names found in the source text to the VWString.
AOOValid - class xbn.array.AOOValid.
Ensure an array of objects is valid, according to the rules existing in an AOOVConfig.
AOOValid() - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOValid
Create a completely unrestricted AOOValid.
AOOValid(AOOVConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOValid
Create an AOOValid.
AOOVCAll - class xbn.array.AOOVCAll.
An AOOVConfig with everything fully enforced.
AOOVCAll() - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOVCAll
Create an AOOVCAll with default values.
AOOVCAll(RCLength) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOVCAll
Create an AOOVCAll.
AOOVConfig - class xbn.array.AOOVConfig.
Manages the configuration for AOOValid.isValid.
AOOVConfig() - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOVConfig
Create a completely unrestricted AOOVConfig.
AOOVConfig(boolean, RCLength, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOOVConfig
Create an AOOVConfig.
AOSLCreator - class xbn.array.AOSLCreator.
Convenience class for creating an AOSLookup.
AOSLCreator() - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator with default values.
AOSLCreator(boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLCreator(boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLCreator(boolean, int) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLCreator(boolean, int, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLCreator(int) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLCreator(int, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Create an AOSLCreator.
AOSLHashtable - class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable.
Holds metadata for an array of (possibly unique) string values in a Hashtable, for use in an AOSLookup.
AOSLHashtable(Hashtable) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Create an AOSLHashtable.
AOSLHashtable(Hashtable, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Create an AOSLHashtable.
AOSLookup - class xbn.array.AOSLookup.
Holds metadata about an array of strings.
AOSLookup(AOSLHashtable, UniqueStringAP, UniqueStringAP) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Create an AOSLookup.unique UniqueStringAP, and absolute UniqueStringAP.
AOSLookup(AOSLHashtable, UniqueStringAP, UniqueStringAP, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Create an AOSLookup.unique UniqueStringAP, absolute UniqueStringAP, and list-unique-string setting.
AOSLookup(AOSLHashtable, UniqueStringAP, UniqueStringAP, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Create an AOSLookup.unique UniqueStringAP, absolute UniqueStringAP, and list-unique-string and validate-parameters settings.
APChar - class xbn.array.APChar.
An ArrayProtector for chars.
APChar(char[]) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APChar
Create an APChar.
APChar(char[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APChar
Create an APChar.
APInt - class xbn.array.APInt.
An ArrayProtector for chars.
APInt(int[]) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APInt
Create an APInt.
APInt(int[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APInt
Create an APInt.
APNamed - class xbn.named.APNamed.
An APObject for an array of Named.
APNamed(Named[]) - Constructor for class xbn.named.APNamed
Create an APNamed from the array of Named.
APNamed(Named[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.named.APNamed
APObject - class xbn.array.APObject.
An ArrayProtector for Objects.
APObject(Object[]) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APObject
Create an APObject.
APObject(Object[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APObject
Create an APObject.
append(char) - Method in class xbn.string.StringOrBuffer
Append a character onto the end (right).
append(char) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
Append a character onto the end (right).
append(char) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
Append a character onto the end (right).
append(String) - Method in class xbn.string.StringOrBuffer
Append a string onto the end (right).
append(String) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
Append a string onto the end (right).
append(String) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
Append a string onto the end (right).
append(StringBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the provided characters onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringBuffer, int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the ints onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringBuffer, PrimitiveArray) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the PrimitiveArray values onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringBuffer, String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the strings onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringBuffer, StringBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the StringBuffers onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringBuffer, StringOrBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the StringOrBuffers onto the provided StringBuffer.
append(StringOrBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of characters onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
append(StringOrBuffer, int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of ints onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
append(StringOrBuffer, PrimitiveArray) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of the PrimitiveArray values onto the provided StringOrBuffer, based on the settings in LPAConfig.
append(StringOrBuffer, String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of strings onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
append(StringOrBuffer, StringBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of StringBuffers onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
append(StringOrBuffer, StringOrBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Append a list of StringOrBuffers onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
appendFileText(StringOrBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Read all text in from a file and append it onto a StringOrBuffer.
appendRelUrl(SplitLinkCode, StringBuffer, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Append a relative url to the class-dot-function (or constructor or local function) represented by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode.
appendRelUrl(SplitLinkCode, StringOrBuffer, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Append a relative url to the class-dot-function (or constructor or local function) represented by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode.
appendRelUrlToFile(StringBuffer, JDFile, JDClass) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Append the relative url from one html file to another onto the StringBuffer.
appendRelUrlToFile(StringOrBuffer, JDFile, JDClass) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the relative url from one html file to another onto the StringOrBuffer.
appendToLeft(char) - Method in class xbn.string.StringOrBuffer
Append a character to the start.
appendToLeft(char) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
Append a character to the start.
appendToLeft(char) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
Append a character onto the start.
appendToLeft(String) - Method in class xbn.string.StringOrBuffer
Append a string to the start.
appendToLeft(String) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
Append a string to the start.
appendToLeft(String) - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
Append a string onto the start.
appendTSList(StringOrBuffer, Object[], String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Append the list of toStrings for an array of objects onto the provided StringOrBuffer.
appendTSList(StringOrBuffer, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Get a new PASString representing the toStrings() of the internally-held array of Objects.
appendTSList(StringOrBuffer, String, String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
Get a new PASString representing the toStrings() of the internally-held array of Objects.
appendUSLToSB(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Append the list of strings to the provided StringBuffer.
appendUSLToSB(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Append the list of strings to the provided StringBuffer.
appendUSLToSB(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Append the list of strings to the provided StringBuffer.
appendWebPage(StringOrBuffer, String, char[]) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Read all text in from a web page, and append it onto a StringOrBuffer.
APString - class xbn.array.APString.
An ArrayProtector for an array of strings.
APString(String[]) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APString
Create an APString.
APString(String[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.array.APString
Create an APString.
areAllGapsFilled() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Have all the currently-set Template's gaps been filled?
areDupGapsAllowed() - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
Are duplicate gaps allowed?
areDupsOk() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARDupNullLen
Is it okay for the array to have duplicate values?
areDupStringsOk() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Are duplicate strings okay?
areFilesFirst() - Method in class xbn.util.DSConfig
Get the base directory.
areLmntsEqual(int, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Are the two elements equal?
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArrayChar, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayChar
Is an element in this PrimitiveArrayChar equal to an element in another?
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArray, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Are the two elements equal?
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArray, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayString
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArray, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArray, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayChar
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArrayInt, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
Is an element in this PrimitiveArrayInt equal to an element in another?
areLmntsEqual(int, PrimitiveArrayString, int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayString
Is an element in this PrimitiveArrayString equal to an element in another?
areRangeBoundsValid(int, boolean, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilInt
Are the bounds for this range valid?
areRangeBoundsValid(int, boolean, int, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilInt
Are the bounds for this range valid?
areRangeBoundsValid(int, int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilInt
Are the bounds for this range valid?
ArrayProtector - class xbn.array.ArrayProtector.
The base class for protecting an array, by only allowing access to its elements.
ArrayProtector() - Constructor for class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
Create an ArrayProtector.
AssertException - exception xbn.AssertException.
An exception used throughout the XBN packages, when a documented restriction is violated.
AssertException() - Constructor for class xbn.AssertException
Create an AssertException with no error message.
AssertException(String) - Constructor for class xbn.AssertException
Create an AssertException.


Copyright 1997-2003, Jeff Epstein, All Rights Reserved. See top of source code files for copyright notice.




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