GapConfig - class xbn.template.GapConfig.
Configuration for a Template.
GapConfig() - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig with default settings.
GapConfig(char) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GapConfig(char, char) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GapConfig(char, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GapConfig(char, String, String, char) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GapConfig(String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GapConfig(String, String, char) - Constructor for class xbn.template.GapConfig
Create an GapConfig.
GCIConfig - class xbn.string.GCIConfig.
Configuration for UtilSOB.getContainedIdxs.
GCIConfig() - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig with default settings.
GCIConfig(boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, String[]) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, String[], boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, String[], boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCIConfig(String, String[], PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Create a GCIConfig.
GCICTwo - class xbn.string.GCICTwo.
A GCIConfig that always compares two strings.
GCICTwo() - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo with default settings.
GCICTwo(boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, String, String, boolean) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, String, String, boolean, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
GCICTwo(String, String, String, PARSCBad) - Constructor for class xbn.string.GCICTwo
Create a GCICTwo.
get() - Method in class xbn.output.OWIntoSB
Get the current text stored in the internal StringBuffer.
get() - Method in class xbn.util.Range
Get the current value.
get(boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the boolean after it is padded/chopped.
get(char) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the char after it is padded/chopped.
get(char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided characters.
get(int) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the int after it is padded/chopped.
get(int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided ints.
get(int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the boolean after it is padded/chopped.
get(int, char) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the char after it is padded/chopped.
get(int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the int after it is padded/chopped.
get(int, String) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the string after it is padded/chopped.
get(PrimitiveArray) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided PrimitiveArray values.
get(String) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the string where characters have been trimmed.
get(String) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.UnescapeString
Get a copy of the string where all characters that need to be escaped, are.
get(String) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeString
Escape all characters that need to be.
get(String) - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get a copy of the string after it is padded/chopped.
get(String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided strings.
get(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where characters have been trimmed.
get(StringBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided StringBuffers.
get(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where characters have been trimmed.
get(String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.UnescapeString
Get a copy of the string where all characters that need to be escaped, are.
get(String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeString
Get a copy of the string after all characters that need to be escaped, are.
get(String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the string where characters have been trimmed.
get(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where characters have been trimmed.
get(StringOrBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get a list of the provided StringOrBuffers.
get(StringOrBuffer, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where characters have been trimmed.
get2StringsFromLine(String, String, int, String, String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get two strings from a single line in a class map configuration text file.
getAbbreviation() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDClass
Get the abbreviation assigned to this JDClass.
getAcceptableVarName(String) - Method in interface xbn.config.CRFilter
If the provided variable name is acceptable, what should the new name be?
getActlCmdLineParams(String[]) - Static method in class xbn.util.Utility
A utility function for applications to get all of the actually-provided command line parameters.
getAll2BEscNotVD() - Method in class xbn.config.CRConfig
Get an APChar containing every character that needs to be escaped, except variable delimiters.
getAllFilledWith(Template, String) - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Provide a template and fill all of it's gaps with the same fill text.
getAllLines(String) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the string where characters have been trimmed from the ends of every line.
getAllLines(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where characters have been trimmed from the ends of every line.
getAllLines(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer where characters have been trimmed from the ends of every line.
getAndReset() - Method in class xbn.output.OWIntoSB
Get the current text stored in the internal StringBuffer, and then delete all text from it.
getAOBClone(boolean[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get a full (deep) copy of the provided boolean array.
getAOCClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
Get a full (deep) copy of the char-array-being-wrapped.
getAOCClone(char[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get a full (deep) copy of the provided char array.
getAOChar() - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
getAOChar() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PACChar
Get the array of chars for direct manipulation.
getAOChar(boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Get the array of chars.
getAOCHexLetters() - Static method in class xbn.string.UtilChar
Get an array of chars containing the letters used in hexidecimal numbers.
getAOCInvisible() - Static method in class xbn.string.UtilChar
Get an array of chars containing non-visible characters.
getAOCTabSpace() - Static method in class xbn.string.UtilChar
Get an array of chars containing the tab and space characters.
getAODouble() - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
getAODouble(boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Get the array of doubles.
getAOHexDigitAsStr(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
getAOi_i_i_i(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object array to an array of i_i_i_i-s.
getAOi_i_i(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object array to an array of i_i_i-s.
getAOi_i(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object array to an array of i_i-s.
getAOIClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
Get a full (deep) copy of the int-array-being-wrapped.
getAOIClone(int[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get a full (deep) copy of the provided int array.
getAOInt() - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
getAOInt() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASInt
Get the int array for direct manipulation.
getAOInt() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAIInt
Get the array of ints for direct manipulation.
getAOInt(boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Get the array of ints.
getAONamed() - Method in class xbn.named.PASNamed
getAONamed() - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Get the array of strings.
getAONamed() - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
Get the array of Named objects for direct manipulation.
getAONShallowClone() - Method in class xbn.named.APNamed
getAOObject() - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Get the array of objects.
getAOObject() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
Get the array of objects for direct manipulation.
getAOOShallowClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Get a copy of the object-array-being-wrapped, with references to the original object elements.
getAOOShallowClone(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get a shallow clone of the provided object array.
getAOOVConfig() - Method in class xbn.array.AOOValid
Get the AOOVConfig for direct manipulation.
getAOs_s(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object array to an array of s_s-s.
getAOsb_sb_c(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getAOsb_sb_c(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getAOsb_sb_c(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, Outputter, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the sb_sb_c array, containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getAOsb_sb_c(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getAOsb_sb_c(Object[]) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object array to an array of sb_sb_c-s.
getAOsb_sb_c(VWObject) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get an array of sb_sb_c-s from the array of objects existing in an VWObject/sb_sb_c array.
getAOsb_sb_c(VWObject, boolean) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get an array of sb_sb_c-s from the array of objects existing in an VWObject/sb_sb_c array.
getAOSLClone() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get a full (deep) copy of this AOSLookup.
getAOSLFromAOS(String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Create an AOSLookup from the string array.
getAOSLFromAOS(String[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Create an AOSLookup from the string array.
getAOSLFromPA(PrimitiveArray) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Create an AOSLookup from the PrimitiveArray.
getAOSLFromPA(PrimitiveArray, boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Create an AOSLookup from the PrimitiveArray.
getAOSLHashtable() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the AOSLHashtable for direct manipulation.
getAOSLHashtable() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Return the AOSLHashtable for direct manipulation.
getAOSLHashtable() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get the AOSLHashtable for direct manipulation.
getAOSLHashtable() - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
getAOSLHClone() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Get a full (deep) copy of this AOSLHashtable.
getAOSLHIllegal() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARSElement
Get the AOSLHashtable containing the strings considered illegal.
getAOSLookup() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Get the AOSLookup.
getAOSLookup() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Return the AOSLookup for direct manipulation.
getAOSLookup() - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
Get the AOSLookup for direct manipulation.
getAOSLookup() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
Get the AOSLookup for direct manipulation.
getAOSNames() - Method in class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Get the array of descriptive names for every element in a_strOrBfr.
getAOSOBS(String[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an array of SOBStrings from the array of strings.
getAOSOBS(StringBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get an array of SOBStrings from the array of StringBuffers.
getAOSOBSB(String[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an array of SOBStringBuffers from the array of strings.
getAOSOBSB(StringBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get an array of SOBStringBuffers from the array of StringBuffers.
getAOSShallowClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Get a copy of the string-array-being-wrapped, with references to the original string elements.
getAOSShallowClone(String[]) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get a shallow clone of the provided string array.
getAOString() - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Get the array of strings.
getAOString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASStringBuffer
Get the String array for direct manipulation.
getAOString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASString
Get the String array for direct manipulation.
getAOString() - Method in class xbn.string.PASStringOrBuffer
Get the StringOrBuffer array for direct manipulation.
getAOSUniqueGapNames(ForLineRetrieval, GapConfig, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Get all the unique gap names that exist in the provided source text, or null if no gaps exist.
getAOUSClone() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get a full (deep) copy of the internally-held array of UniqueStrings.
getAOUSShallowClone() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get a shallow clone of the internally-held array of UniqueStrings.
getAPCClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
Get a full (deep) copy of this APChar.
getAPCIgnore() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.USCIgnore
What specific non-to-be-escaped characters should be ignored?
getAPCIllegal() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARChar
Get the array of chars considered illegal, as an APChar.
getAPCToEscape() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.ESConfig
Get the array of chars that must be escaped by getEscapeChar, as an APChar.
getAPCToTrim() - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get the array of characters to be trimmed.
getAPIClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
Get a full (deep) copy of this APInt.
getAPIIllegal() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARIElement
Get the array of strings considered illegal, as an APInt.
getAPNamed() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get the APNamed for direct manipulation.
getAPNClone() - Method in class xbn.named.APNamed
getAPOClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Get a full (deep) copy of this APObject.
getAPSClone() - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Get a full (deep) copy of this APString.
getAPSIllegal() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARSElement
Get the array of strings considered illegal, as an APString.
getAPSLinkPagesINDIRECT() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get the names for all JavaDoc html files that only display JavaDoc Link Codes indirectly.
getAPSLinkPagesNONE() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get the names for all JavaDoc html files that have/display no JavaDoc Link Codes at all.
getAPSSurrText() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
Get the array of strings representing the surrounding, static text.
getAPString() - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
getArrayProtector() - Method in class xbn.array.PASArrayProtector
Get the object for direct manipulation.
getArrIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get the Named object at the requested array index.
getArrIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
At which array index does the requested Named element exist?
getArrIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
Get the array index at which the provided string exists.
getArrIdx(String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
At which array index does the requested Named element exist?
getAutoUsage() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the auto-usage value, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getBadCount() - Static method in class xbn.util.XBNTestCase
getBaseDir() - Method in class xbn.util.DirScan
Get the base directory.
getBoolean(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a boolean from the value in the string.
getCAConfig() - Method in class xbn.array.CompareArrays
Get the CAConfig for direct maniplation.
getCallingClassFunc() - Method in class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Get the name of the class-plus-function for potential error messages.
getCDDDFlush() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgChop
Get the chop ellipsis flush setting.
getChar(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
Get the char at the requested array index.
getChar(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Get a char from the vector, at the required array index.
getChar(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayChar
Get the char at the requested array index.
getChar(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PACChar
Get the char at the provide array index.
getCharArrIdx() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the current character array index.
getCharsAdded() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeString
How many escape characters have been added to the string so far?
getChopDotDotDot() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgChop
When chopping should there be an ellipsis, indicating that the text was, in fact, chopped?.
getChopSideEndStart() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgChop
When the string needs to be chopped, which end should it happen to?
getClassForName(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the Class for the provided fully-qualified name.
getClassForName(String, String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the Class for the provided fully-qualified name.
getClassName() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
What is the class name in this link?
getCmdLineSyntax() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the command-line syntax string, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getCnstrFuncName() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
What is the function name in this link?
getCommandLine() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the CommandLine, as previously parsed.
getCommandLine(String[]) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the CommandLine after parsing the actually-provided command line.
getCommandLine(String[], CommandLineParser) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the CommandLine after parsing the actually-provided command line.
getConditional(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Conditionally get the string, if it's not null.
getConditional(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Conditionally get the string, if it's not null.
getConditional(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Convenience function to conditionally display a variable when non-null.
getConditional(String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Convenience function to conditionally display a variable when non-null.
getConditional(String, String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the string value (plus prefix and postfix) only when not-null.
getConnection() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnDirect
Get the java.sql.Connection for direct manipulation.
getConnectionAndSeparate() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnDirect
Get the java.sql.Connection for direct manipulation, and eleminate all references in this class to it.
getContainedAtIdx() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getContainedIdxs(String[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
If any string is contained in (or equal to) any other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(String[], GCIConfig) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
If any string is contained in any other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(StringOrBuffer[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
If any StringOrBuffer is contained in (or equal to) any other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(StringOrBuffer[], GCIConfig) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
If any string is contained in any other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(StringOrBuffer, StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
If either string is contained in or equal to the other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(StringOrBuffer, StringOrBuffer, GCICTwo) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
If either string is contained in (or equal to) the other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
If either string is contained in or equal to the other, get information describing the containment.
getContainedIdxs(String, String, GCICTwo) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
If either string is contained in (or equal to) the other, get information describing the containment.
getCountAbs() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
How many total strings have been added?.
getCountSubDirs() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
How many sub-directories exist in this directory?
getCountSubFiles() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
How many sub-files exist in this directory?
getCountUnq() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
How many unique strings have been added?.
getCRCDelimiters() - Method in class xbn.config.CRConfig
Get the CRCDelimiters, which defines variable and comment delimiters.
getCRCVariable() - Method in class xbn.config.CRConfig
Get the CRCVariable, which defines variable-related things.
getCRCVTrim() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVariable
Get the CRCVTrim for direct manipulation.
getCRCVUnescape() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVariable
Get the CRCVUnescape for direct manipulation.
getDatabasePassword() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnection
Get the database user's password...
getDatabaseUsername() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnection
Get the database username.
getDate(String, SimpleDateFormat) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a Date object from the potential date string and SimpleDateFormat.
getDate(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a Date object from the potential date string and date format.
getDateStamp() - Method in class xbn.output.MFDate
Get the date prefix as a string.
getDateStarted() - Method in class xbn.util.TimerUnits
Get the date representing the moment the timer was started.
getDateXAgo(long, int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X units before the provided date.
getDateXAgoDays(int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X days before the provided date.
getDateXAgoHours(int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X hours before the provided date.
getDateXAgoMinutes(int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X minutes before the provided date.
getDateXAgoSeconds(int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X seconds before the provided date.
getDateXAgoWeeks(int, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X weeks before the provided date.
getDateXBeforeNow(long, int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X units before now.
getDateXBNDays(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X days before now.
getDateXBNHours(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X hours before now.
getDateXBNMinutes(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X minutes before now.
getDateXBNSeconds(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X seconds before now.
getDateXBNWeeks(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
Get a Date that is X weeks before now.
getDBConnDirect() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnStatement
Get the DBConnDirect for direct manipulation.
getDelimiter() - Method in class xbn.config.CRLineAnalyzer
Get the delimiter of the variable that was started on this line.
getDelimiter(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the variable delimiter from the configuration variable.
getDelimiter(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the variable delimiter of the desired configuration variable.
getDescPad() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the description-pad value, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getDigitLength(int) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilInt
How many digits in length is the provided number?
getDirCount() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
How many directories are there in the file represented by this JDFile?
getDirectionAscDesc() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAROrderDir
If ordering is required, in which direction must the order be?.
getDivider() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.LPAConfig
Get the string that should go between each item in the list.
getDouble(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Get an double from the vector, at the required array index.
getDSConfig() - Method in class xbn.util.DirScan
Get the DSConfig for direct manipulation.
getDupAppend(StringBuffer, String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer, after appending a duplicated string onto it.
getDupAppend(StringOrBuffer, String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer), after appending a duplicated string onto it.
getDupAppend(String, String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String, after appending a duplicated string onto it.
getDuped(String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the priovided string, duplicated.
getEscapeChar() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVUnescape
What is the character used to escape other characters?
getEscapeChar() - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
The escape character, when only non-escaped chararcters are trimmed from the right side.
getEscapeChar() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.ESConfig
Get the escape character.
getEscapeChar() - Method in class xbn.template.GapConfig
Get the escape character.
getEscapeCharAsString() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.ESConfig
Get the escape character, translated to a string.
getEscapeCharDefault() - Static method in class xbn.string.escape.ESConfig
When none is provided, what is the escape character used by default?
getESChar() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVTrim
Get the special empty string character.
getESConfig() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the ESConfig for direct manipulation.
getEUSCUIClone() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.USCIgnore
Get a full (deep) copy of this USCIgnore.
getExternalUrl() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDClass
Get the external url for this JDClass.
getExternalUrl() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PackageType
Get the prefix for this PackageType.
getExternalUrl(int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PTArray
Get the external url for the requested array index.
getExternalUrl(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PTArray
Get the external url for the requested prefix.
getFileFilter() - Method in class xbn.util.DSConfig
Get the FileFilter scan through.
getFileName() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get the name of this JDFile.
getFileName() - Method in class xbn.util.FLRFile
Get the file name.
getFileObjBaseDir() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Get the java.io.File representing the base directory.
getFileObjectBaseDir() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Deprecated. Use getFileObjBaseDir.
getFileObjectThis() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Deprecated. Use getFileObjThis.
getFileObjThis() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Get the java.io.File representing this file/directory.
getFilled1GapTString(String, String) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Get the resulting string, after filling in the single gap, existing in the provided template string.
getFilledXGapsTString(int, String, String[]) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Get the resulting string, after filling in the gaps existing in the provided template string.
getFinalSurrTxt() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the final surrounding text, after all surrounding-text-and-gaps have been retrieved.
getFooter() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the footer string, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getFormatted(boolean, String) - Method in class xbn.output.MsgFormat
Get the message with all formatting applied.
getFormatted(boolean, String) - Method in class xbn.output.MFPlain
Get the message without any formatting.
getFormatted(boolean, String) - Method in class xbn.output.MFDate
Get the formatted message.
getFormatted(boolean, String) - Method in class xbn.output.OConfig
Given the provided message body, what is the full message?
getFoundIdx(char) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Get the index at which the char actually exists.
getFoundIdx(double) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Get the index at which the double actually exists.
getFoundIdx(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Get the index at which the int actually exists.
getFoundIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Get the index at which the string actually exists.
getFoundIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Get the index at which the string actually exists.
getFoundIdx(VWObject, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
At what index in the provided VWObject/sb_sb_c array, is the requested name located?
getFoundIdx(VWObject, String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
At what index in the provided VWObject/sb_sb_c array, is the requested name located?.
getFQClassName() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
What is the fully qualified class name of this PrimitiveArray?
getGapConfig() - Method in class xbn.template.TParseConfig
Get the GapConfig for direct manipulation.
getGapConfig() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the GapConfig for direct manipulation.
getGapsFilledCount() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
How many gaps have been filled so far?
getGapsNotYetFilled() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get a String array containing all unique gap names that have yet to be filled.
getGapsNotYetFilledCount() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
How many gaps have not yet been filled?
getGoodCount() - Static method in class xbn.util.XBNTestCase
getGSAInfo() - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
What just happened in the just-called getStringAround?.
getHeader() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the header string, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getHexDigitAsString(char) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilChar
Convert a given char to a hex digit, returning it as a string.
getHTClone() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Get a full (deep) clone of the internally held Hashtable.
geti_i_i_i(Object) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object to an i_i_i_i.
geti_i_i(Object) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object to an i_i_i.
geti_i(Object) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object to an i_i.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(String) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringBuffer, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringBuffer, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(String, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringOrBuffer, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdx1stUnesc2BEsc(StringOrBuffer, int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.escape.EscapeUnescapeString
Get the array index of the first character that should be escaped, but is not.
getIdxFirst() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getIdxLeft() - Method in class xbn.array.BinarySearchData
Get the left-most index that has not yet been searched.
getIdxMiddle() - Method in class xbn.array.BinarySearchData
Get the next array index to analyze.
getIdxNEToLmnt0(int[]) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilInt
What is the first array index containing an int not equal to element zero?
getIdxNEToLmnt0(String[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
What is the first array index containing an int not equal to element zero?
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the first character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(String, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(String, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(String, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(String, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the first character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the first character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOf1stCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the first character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOf1stNonWS(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the first non-white-space character.
getIdxOf1stNonWS(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the first non-white-space character.
getIdxOf1stNonWS(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the first non-white-space character.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringBuffer, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the last character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(String, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(String, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(String, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(String, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the last character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[]) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], int, int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the last character that is not a member of the array.
getIdxOfLastCharNIA(StringOrBuffer, char[], int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the last character that does not exist in the array.
getIdxOfLastNonWS(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get the array index of the last non-white-space character.
getIdxOfLastNonWS(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get the array index of the last non-white-space character.
getIdxOfLastNonWS(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get the array index of the last non-white-space character.
getIdxRight() - Method in class xbn.array.BinarySearchData
Get the right-most index that has not yet been searched.
getIdxSecond() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getIfEmpty() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.LPAConfig
Get the string that should be returned in the case that the object-to-be-listed has zero elements.
getIfNull() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.LPAConfig
Get the string that should be returned in the case that the object-to-be-listed, as a whole, is null.
getIfNullSB() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgIfNull
If [the string to be padded/trimmed] is null, what should be returned in its place?
getIndent() - Method in class xbn.output.MsgFormat
Get the current indent text.
getInsertAddIdx(char) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Get the index at which to insert the provided char.
getInsertAddIdx(double) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Get the index at which to insert the provided double.
getInsertAddIdx(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Get the index at which to insert the provided int.
getInsertAddIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Get the index at which to insert the provided string.
getInsertAddIdx(String) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Get the index at which to insert the provided string.
getInstanceCount() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueString
How many absolute instances (duplicates) of this unique string exist in the array?
getInt(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getInt(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getInt(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getInt(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getInt(DBCSPlain) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getInt(DBCSPlain, DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
getInt(DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getInt(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
Get the int at the requested array index.
getInt(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Get an int from the vector, at the required array index.
getInt(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
Get the int at the requested array index.
getInt(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAIInt
Get the int at the requested array index.
getInt(String) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the int value of a parameter.
getInt(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an int from the value in the string.
getInt(String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an int from the value in the string.
getInt(String, boolean, int, RangeConfig) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the int value of a parameter.
getInt(String, int) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the int value of a parameter.
getInt(String, int, RangeConfig) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the int value of a parameter, which must conform to a range.
getInt(String, RangeConfig) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the int value of a parameter, which must conform to a range.
getIntFromRS(ResultSet) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
If the string returned is null, it is assumed to be zero.
getJavadocLine(String, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Given the provided line of Javadoc, return the same line with all JavaDoc Link Codes translated to actual urls.
getJavadocLine(String, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean, TLAObjects) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Given the provided line of Javadoc, return the same line with all JavaDoc Link Codes translated to actual urls.
getJdbcConnectionString() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnection
Get the JDBC connection string.
getJdbcDriver() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnection
Get the JDBC driver string.
getJDCAFromFLR(ForLineRetrieval) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Create a JDCArray from the provided Doclet Class Map.
getJDCAFromFQCN() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDCArray
Get the private, internal JDCArray in which the names of the JDClasses is the fully qualified class name.
getJDCAFromMapFile(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Create a JDCArray from a file.
getJDCFromFQCN(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDCArray
Get the JDClass representing a class.
getJDClass(int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDCArray
Get the JDClass at the requested array index.
getJDClass(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDCArray
Get the JDClass representing a class with this abbreviation.
getJDClassFromLine(String, int, PTArray) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get a new JDClass based on the two values in a line from the class map configuration text file.
getJDLinkGapEnd() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the JavaDoc Link Code end gap.
getJDLinkGapStart() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the JavaDoc Link Code start gap.
getJDLinkGapTextEnd() - Static method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the text used for the JavaDoc Link Code end gap.
getJDLinkGapTextStart() - Static method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the text used for the JavaDoc Link Code start gap.
getJDTextFromJava(ForLineRetrieval) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
[SLASH]**, alone on a line (after trimming tabs and spaces), is the start of a JavaDoc comment.
getLeftPad() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the left-pad value, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.BinarySearchData
How long is the array that is being searched?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
How many elements exist in the array-being-protected?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.APString
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.PASArrayProtector
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
How many items exist in this PrimitiveArray?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
How many strings exist in this PASAOObject?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASInt
How many elements exist in this PASInt?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PACChar
How many chars are in the char array?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAIInt
How many elements are in this PAIInt?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
How many Named objects exist in this NamedArray?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
How many Named elements exist in the array?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PCSConfig
What is the length to pad/chop to?
getLength() - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
How many strings exist in the string array?
getLevelsBelowBaseDir() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
How many levels below the base directory is this file/dir?
getLevelsToAnalyze() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
How many levels of sub-directories (and their contents) should be analyzed?
getLineNumber() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the current line number.
getLineNumberNext() - Method in class xbn.util.ForLineRetrieval
What is the number of the line about to be read?
getLineNumberPrev() - Method in class xbn.util.ForLineRetrieval
How many lines have been read thus far?.
getLineSeparator() - Method in class xbn.string.TALConfig
Get the line separator.
getLineSeparator() - Method in class xbn.util.ForLineRetrieval
getLineSepLength() - Method in class xbn.util.ForLineRetrieval
getList() - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
Get a listing of every item in this ArrayProtector.
getList() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a listing of every item in this Primitive array.
getList(String) - Method in class xbn.array.VectorWrapper
Get a list of all elements.
getList(String) - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
Get a listing of every item in this ArrayProtector.
getList(String) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a listing of every item in this Primitive array.
getList(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get a list of all part names, with the requested divider string.
getList(String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
Get a listing of every item in this ArrayProtector.
getList(String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a listing of every item in this Primitive array.
getList(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
Get a listing of every item in this ArrayProtector.
getList(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a listing of every item in this Primitive array.
getListAbs() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the absolute gap names.
getListAbs(String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the absolute gap names.
getListAbs(String, String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the absolute gap names.
getListAbs(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the absolute gap names.
getListUnq() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the unique gap names.
getListUnq(String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the unique gap names.
getListUnq(String, String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the unique gap names.
getListUnq(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get a listing of the unique gap names.
getLong(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getLong(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getLong(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getLong(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getLong(DBCSPlain) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getLong(DBCSPlain, DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
getLong(DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getLong(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an long from the value in the string.
getLong(String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get an long from the value in the string.
getLongFromRS(ResultSet) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
If the string returned is null, it is assumed to be zero.
getLPAConfig() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.ListPA
Get the LPAConfig for direct manipulation.
getLvlsMaxDepth() - Method in class xbn.util.DSConfig
At a maximum, how many sub-directory levels should be analyzed?.
getMax() - Method in class xbn.util.RangeConfig
What is the maximum legal value for this range?
getMaxGapNameLength() - Static method in class xbn.template.TConfigDefaults
The maximum length a gap's name is allowed to be.
getMaximum() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
What is the maximum value contained in the array?
getMaxTagTxtLength() - Static method in class xbn.template.TConfigDefaults
The maximum length a gap tag's text is allowed to be.
getMiddleIdx(int, int) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get the array index in the center of the provided indexes.
getMiddleIdx(int, int, boolean) - Method in class xbn.array.UtilArray
Get the array index in the center of the provided indexes.
getMidExtFillGapName() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
If we're currently in the middle of an external fill, what is the gap name that is being filled?
getMillsInADay() - Static method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many milleseconds are there in a day?
getMillsInAMinute() - Static method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many milleseconds are there in a minute?
getMillsInAnHour() - Static method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many milleseconds are there in an hour?
getMillsInASecond() - Static method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many milleseconds are there in a second?
getMillsInAWeek() - Static method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many milleseconds are there in a week?
getMillsMultiplier() - Method in class xbn.util.TimerUnits
Get the millesecond multiplier for this TimerUnits.
getMillsToExpire() - Method in class xbn.util.TimerUnits
Get the number of milleseconds until expiration.
getMin() - Method in class xbn.util.RangeConfig
What is the minimum legal value for this range?
getMinimum() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
What is the minimum value contained in the array?
getMLCEnd() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCDelimiters
What character is used to delimit the end of a multi-line comment?
getMLCStart() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCDelimiters
What character is used to delimit the start of a multi-line comment?
getMLCStartLine() - Method in class xbn.config.CRLineAnalyzer
At what line did the current multi-line comment start?
getMsgFormat() - Method in class xbn.output.OConfig
Get the MsgFormat for direct manipulation.
getName() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueString
getName() - Method in class xbn.config.CRLineAnalyzer
Get the name of the variable that was started on this line.
getName() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDClass
Get theh name of this JDClass.
getName() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PackageType
A synonym for getPrefix().
getName() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
getName() - Method in interface xbn.named.Named
What is the name of this object?.
getName() - Method in class xbn.output.OConfig
getName() - Method in class xbn.placeholder.sb_sb_c
getName() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
getName() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
getName() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateDataOrString
getName(int) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get the name of the Named object at the requested array index.
getNamed(int) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get the Named object at the requested array index.
getNamed(int) - Method in class xbn.named.PASNamed
Get the Named object at the requested array index.
getNamed(int) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Get a string from the vector, at the required array index.
getNamed(int) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
Get the Named element at the requested array index.
getNamed(int) - Method in class xbn.named.APNamed
getNamed(String) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get the Named object at the requested array index.
getNamed(String) - Method in class xbn.named.ManualNamedArray
Get the Named element having the provided name.
getNameList() - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get a listing of every name.
getNameList(String) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get a listing of every name.
getNameList(String, String) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get a listing of every name.
getNameList(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.named.NamedArray
Get a listing of every name.
getNameSB(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the name of the configuration variable as a StringBuffer.
getNameSB(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the name of the desired configuration variable, as a StringBuffer.
getNameString(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the name of the configuration variable as a String.
getNameString(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the name of the desired configuration variable, as a String.
getNewAOSOBString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a new array of SOBStrings.
getNewAOSOBStringBuffer() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a new array of SOBStringBuffers.
getNewAOString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get a new array of strings, based upon all strings existing (via getString) in this PrimitiveArrayString.
getNextAbsGapArrIdxNYF() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the array index of the next absolute gap not yet filled.
getNextAbsGapNameNYF() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the name of the next absolute gap not yet filled.
getNextLine() - Method in class xbn.string.FLRString
Get the next line from the source string.
getNextLine() - Method in class xbn.util.ForLineRetrieval
Get the next line of text from the source.
getNextLine() - Method in class xbn.util.FLRFile
Get the next line from the file, including the ending new line ("\n").
getNextSurrTxtAndGap() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the next surrounding text and gap.
getNowMinusYDays(Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many days before now is the provided date?
getNowMinusYHours(Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many hours before now is the provided date?
getNowMinusYMinutes(Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many minutes before now is the provided date?
getNowMinusYSeconds(Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many seconds before now is the provided date?
getNowMinusYUnits(Date, long) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many units before now is the provided date?
getNowMinusYWeeks(Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many weeks before now is the provided date?
getNullValue() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVariable
Get the special string defined as null.
getObject() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASObject
Get the object for direct manipulation.
getObject(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Get an object from the vector, at the required array index.
getObject(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Get the object at the requested array index.
getObject(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
Get the object at the requested array index.
getOConfig() - Method in class xbn.output.Outputter
Get the OConfig object for direct manipulation.
getOGCOne() - Method in class xbn.template.TOGOne
Get the OGCOne for direct manipulation.
getOGConfig() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateOrderedGaps
Get the OGConfig for direct manipulation.
getOGCThree() - Method in class xbn.template.TOGThree
Get the OGCThree for direct manipulation.
getOGCTwo() - Method in class xbn.template.TOGTwo
Get the OGCTwo for direct manipulation.
getOptimizedHT(Hashtable) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Get an optimized version of the provided Hashtable.
getOptions() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the Options, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getOptrDbg() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnDirect
getOptrDbg() - Method in interface xbn.output.Debuggable
Get the Outputter object for direct manipulation.
getOptrDbg() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
getOptrDbg() - Method in class xbn.util.DSConfig
Get the Outputter for debugging output.
getOptrDebug() - Method in class xbn.template.TParseConfig
Get the Outputter used for debugging for direct manipulation.
getOptrFromOW(OWriter) - Method in class xbn.output.UtilOutput
Create an Outputter containing the provided OWriter.
getOptrFromOW(OWriter, MsgFormat, String, String) - Method in class xbn.output.UtilOutput
Create an Outputter containing the provided OWriter.
getOptrFromOW(OWriter, String, String) - Method in class xbn.output.UtilOutput
Create an Outputter containing the provided OWriter.
getOrderDirAscDesc() - Method in class xbn.array.VectorWrapper
When elements are added and definitely ordered, in which direction should ordering occur?
getOrderDirAscDesc() - Method in class xbn.array.BinarySearchData
Is the array-being-searched ordered ascending or descending?
getOrderDirAscDesc() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARSContain
What direction should containment be in?
getOrderDirSameOpp() - Method in class xbn.array.CAConfig
In which direction should the actual values be ordered?
getOriginalCode(SplitLinkCode) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the original code, exactly as passed into the SplitLinkCode constructor.
getOriginalText(Template) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Want to see the original text, as it existed before it was parsed?
getOriginalText(TemplateData) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Want to see the original text, as it existed before it was parsed?
getOSDOOrOSDOAndFile(String) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get an Outputter to write to screen only, or both to screen and file.
getOSDOOrOSDOAndFile(String, boolean) - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get an Outputter to write to screen only, or both to screen and file.
getOWForExtFill(String) - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the OWriter for an external fill.
getOWIntoSB() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the OWIntoSB for direct manipulation.
getOWriter() - Method in class xbn.output.Outputter
Get the OWriter object for direct manipulation.
getOWriter() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the OWriter for direct manipulation.
getPACChar() - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
Get a new PACChar wrapping around the char-array-being-protected.
getPackageDependencies(String, int, Outputter, String[], boolean, FileFilter) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
For all packages in the provided directory path, find out which packages are dependent on each other.
getPackageList(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get a list of the package name for this JDFile (all parts but the last, which is the file name).
getPackagePrefix() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get the prefix for this JDFile.
getPackageType() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDClass
Get the PackageType of this JDClass.
getPackageType(int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PTArray
Get the PackageType at the requested array index.
getPackageType(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PTArray
Get the PackageType for the requested prefix.
getPackageTypeFromLine(String, int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get a new PackageType based on the one-or-two values in a line from the class map configuration text file.
getPackageTypePrefix() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDClass
Get the PackageType prefix of this JDClass.
getPadChar() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgPad
When the string should be padded, which character should it be padded with?
getPadSideEndStart() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.SpcfcCfgPad
When the string needs to be padded, which end should it happen to?
getPAIInt() - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
Get a new PAIInt wrapping around the char-array-being-protected.
getPAIInt() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASInt
Get a new PAIInt from the internally held int array.
getParameterCount() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
How many parameters exist in this link?
getParamIsArrayCount() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
How many parameters are arrays?
getParamList(String) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
getParamName(int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.SplitLinkCode
Get the parameter at the requested array index.
getPARChar() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayChar
Get the PARChar for direct manipulation.
getPARDupNullLen() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayRule
Get the PARDupNullLen for direct manipulation.
getPARIEClone() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARIElement
Get a full (deep) copy of this PARIElement.
getPARIElement() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARInt
Get the PARIElement for direct manipulation.
getPARInt() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
Get the PARInt for direct manipulation.
getPARODClone() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAROrderDir
Get a full (deep) copy of this PAROrderDir.
getPAROrderDir() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayRule
Get the PAROrderDir for direct manipulation.
getPARSCBad() - Method in class xbn.string.GCIConfig
Get the PARSCBad, which defines extra containment rules.
getPARSContain() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARString
Get the PARSContain for direct manipulation.
getPARSEClone() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARSElement
Get a full (deep) copy of this PARSElement.
getPARSElement() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARString
Get the PARSElement for direct manipulation.
getPARString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayString
Get the PARString for direct manipulation.
getPart(int) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get the part at the requested array index.
getPartCount() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
How many parts exist in the name of this JDClass?
getPASAOObject() - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
Get a new PASString representing the toStrings() of the internally-held array of Objects.
getPASArrayProtector() - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
getPASInt() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAIInt
Get a PASInt containing the same int array as exists in this class.
getPASNamed() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
getPASNamed() - Method in class xbn.named.APNamed
getPASNamed(PARString) - Method in class xbn.named.APNamed
getPASSPackage() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get an PASString representing all the part names, except the final part (the file name itself).
getPASString() - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Get a new PASString wrapping around the string-array-being-protected.
getPASString() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Get a PASString containing a (newly created) string array of the names in this AOSLookup.
getPASString() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
Get a new PASString representing the internally-held array of Objects (as Strings).
getPASString() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDFile
Get an PASString representing the part names.
getPASString(PARString) - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Get a new PASString wrapping around the string-array-being-protected.
getPath() - Method in class xbn.output.OWFile
Get the full file name.
getPAViolation() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
getPCSConfig() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PadChopString
Get the PCSConfig for direct manipulation.
getPostfix() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.LPAConfig
Get the string that should follow the entire list.
getPrefix() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.LPAConfig
Get the string that should precede the entire list.
getPrefix() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.PackageType
Get the prefix for this PackageType.
getPrepared() - Method in class xbn.db.DBCSPrepared
getPrimitiveArrayRule() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get the PrimitiveArrayRule for direct manipulation.
getPrintWriter() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the PrintWriter, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getPTArray() - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.JDCArray
Get the PTArray for direct manipulation.
getQuotedLines(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringBuffer, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer (as a StringBuffer) where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringOrBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringOrBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(StringOrBuffer, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as a StringBuffer) where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String where each line is quoted.
getQuotedLines(String, String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String where each line is quoted.
getRandomBoolean() - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Get a random boolean.
getRandomHex(int) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a random hex number with the requested number of digits.
getRandomInt(int) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Get a random int.
getRandomInt(int, int) - Method in class xbn.util.Utility
Get a random int between the desired bounds.
getRangeConfig() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARIElement
What character is defined as illegal, should it be found in the char array?
getRangeConfig() - Method in class xbn.util.Range
Get the RangeConfig for direct manipulation.
getRCLength() - Method in class xbn.array.AOOVConfig
getRCLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARSElement
What character is defined as illegal, should it be found in the char array?
getRCLength() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PARDupNullLen
Get the RCLength defining the legal range of lengths for the array.
getRCLength() - Method in class xbn.util.RLength
Get the RCLength for direct manipulation.
getRecursivelyFilled(TDOSArray) - Method in class xbn.template.util.UtilTemplate
Recursively fill a set of templates, and get the resulting name/value in a placeholder.s_s object (name=s1, value=s2).
getRelativeDirectory() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Deprecated. Use getRelDir.
getRelDir() - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Get the relative path of this DirFile.
getRelUrl(SplitLinkCode, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the relative url (to the class-dot-function or constructor or local function), as defined by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode.
getRelUrlAppended(SplitLinkCode, StringBuffer, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get a copy of the StringBuffer where the relative url (to the class-dot-function or constructor or local function), as defined by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode, is appended.
getRelUrlAppended(SplitLinkCode, String, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get a copy of the string where the relative url (to the class-dot-function or constructor or local function), as defined by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode, is appended.
getRelUrlAppended(SplitLinkCode, StringOrBuffer, JDFile, JDCArray, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer) where the relative url (to the class-dot-function or constructor or local function), as defined by the parts existing in this SplitLinkCode, is appended.
getRelUrlToFile(JDFile, JDClass) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the relative url from one html file to another.
getRemainingSB() - Method in class xbn.string.FLRString
Get the entire StringBuffer not-yet-retrieved.
getReplaceAll(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Return a copy of the provided StringBuffer, in which all occurances are replaced.
getReplaceAll(StringOrBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Return a copy of the provided StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer), in which all occurances are replaced.
getReplaceAll(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Return a copy of the provided string, in which all occurances are replaced.
getReplaceUntil(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Replace all occurances, with multiple passes, until no instances of the search string remain.
getReplaceUntil(StringOrBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Replace all occurances, with multiple passes, until no instances of the search string remain.
getReplaceUntil(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Replace all occurances, with multiple passes, until no instances of the search string remain.
getResult() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the resulting text from the Template, and all its filled gaps.
getResultSet(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getResultSet(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getResultSet(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getResultSet(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getResultSet(DBCSPlain) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getResultSet(DBCSPlain, DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
getResultSet(DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getResultSet(String, DBCSPlain, DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
getRSConcurrency() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnStatement
Get the ResultSet concurrency.
getRSType() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnStatement
Get the ResultSet type.
gets_s(Object) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object to an s_s.
getSamePartCount(JDFile, JDFile) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
How many "parts" do the provided JDFiles have in common, starting from the left?
getsb_sb_c(Object) - Method in class xbn.placeholder.UtilPHFromObj
Cast the provided Object to an sb_sb_c.
getsb_sb_c(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Translates the desired VWObject element to an sb_sb_c.
getsb_sb_cFromObj(Object) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Convenience function for translating an Object to an sb_sb_c.
getSB(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Create an SOBStringBuffer with the String.
getShallowClone(Named[]) - Method in class xbn.named.UtilNamed
Get a shallow copy of the provided array of Named objects.
getSimpleDateFormat() - Method in class xbn.output.MFDate
Get the SimpleDateFormat for direct manipulation.
getSingleLineCmt() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCDelimiters
What character is used to delimit the start of a single-line comment?
getSOBS(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Create an SOBString from the StringBuffer.
getSOBS(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Create an SOBString from the StringBuffer.
getSOBS(StringOrBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Create an SOBString from the StringOrBuffer.
getSOBS(StringOrBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Create an SOBString from the StringOrBuffer.
getSOBS(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Create an SOBString from the String.
getSOBS(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Create an SOBString from the String.
getSOBSB(StringBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Create an SOBStringBuffer from the StringBuffer.
getSOBSB(StringBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Create an SOBStringBuffer from the StringBuffer.
getSOBSB(StringOrBuffer, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Create an SOBStringBuffer from the StringOrBuffer.
getSOBSB(StringOrBuffer, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Create an SOBString from the StringOrBuffer.
getSOBSB(String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Create an SOBStringBuffer from the String.
getSOBSB(String, String, String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Create an SOBStringBuffer from the String.
getSOBString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get the element at the requested array index, as an SOBString.
getSOBStringBuffer(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get the element at the requested array index, as an SOBStringBuffer.
getSpcfcCfgChop() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PCSConfig
Get the SpcfcCfgChop for direct manipulation.
getSpcfcCfgIfNull() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PCSConfig
Get the SpcfcCfgIfNull for direct manipulation.
getSpcfcCfgPad() - Method in class xbn.string.padchop.PCSConfig
Get the SpcfcCfgPad for direct manipulation.
getSql() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnStatement
Get the sql statement.
getSqlAndParams() - Method in class xbn.db.DBCSPrepared
getStatement() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnStatement
Actually create and get the statement.
getStatement() - Method in class xbn.db.DBCSPrepared
getStatement() - Method in class xbn.db.DBCSPlain
getString() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueString
Get the unique string.
getString() - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
Get the String.
getString() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateDataOrString
Get the string that was passed into the constructor, but only if it is not a template.
getString(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getString(DBConnDirect, String) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getString(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getString(DBConnDirect, String, int, int) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getString(DBCSPlain) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPlain
getString(DBCSPlain, DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
getString(DBCSPrepared) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryPrepared
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VectorWrapper
Get the element at the requested index, as a string.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Get a string from the vector, at the required array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.ArrayProtector
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APString
Get the string at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APInt
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APChar
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Get a string from the vector, at the required array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.APObject
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.PASArrayProtector
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringPAS
Get the unique string from the UniqueString at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArray
Get the element at the requested array index, as a string.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASAOObject
Get the toString of the requested element.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayInt
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASStringBuffer
Get the String at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASString
Get the String at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PASInt
Get the (int translated to a) string at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PrimitiveArrayChar
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.named.PASNamed
Get the Named object's name, at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Alias for getNamed(i_dx).getName().
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.string.PASStringOrBuffer
Get the String at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.template.OGConfig
Get the string existing at the requested array index.
getString(int) - Method in class xbn.template.TDOSArray
Get the string from the requested TemplateDataOrString.
getStringAround(StringOrBuffer, int, String, String, boolean, boolean) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a string surrounding the provided character index, having specific delimiters.
getStringBuffer() - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
Get the StringBuffer for direct manipulation.
getStringFromRS(ResultSet) - Method in class xbn.db.QueryBase
This closes the ResultSet.
getStringOrBuffer(int) - Method in class xbn.string.PASStringOrBuffer
Get the StringOrBuffer at the requested array index.
getSubDir(int) - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Get the sub directory at the requested array index.
getSubFile(int) - Method in class xbn.util.DirFile
Get the sub file at the requested array index.
getSurroundingText(int) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
From the absolute-to-unique-gap-map array, get the unique gap array index for the requested absolute gap.
getSurroundingTextCount() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
How many surrounding text elements exist in this template?.
getTag(char, String) - Method in class xbn.template.UtilGap
Get the tag that starts or ends a gap.
getTag(String) - Method in class xbn.template.UtilGap
Get the tag that starts or ends a gap.
getTagDelimiter() - Static method in class xbn.template.TConfigDefaults
When not provided, what is the character delimiter that starts and ends all tag parts?
getTagDelimiter() - Method in class xbn.template.GapConfig
Get the character delimiter that starts and ends all tag parts.
getTagEnd() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
Get the tag that ends a gap.
getTagStart() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
Get the tag that starts a gap.
getTagTextEnd() - Method in class xbn.template.GapConfig
Get the text for the gap end tag.
getTagTextStart() - Method in class xbn.template.GapConfig
Get the text for the gap start tag.
getTagTxtEnd() - Static method in class xbn.template.TConfigDefaults
When not provided, what is the default tag text for an end gap?
getTagTxtStart() - Static method in class xbn.template.TConfigDefaults
When not provided, what is the default tag text for a start gap?
getTALConfig() - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get the TALConfig, which holds the configuration for trimAllLines.
getTDClone() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateData
Get a full (deep) copy of this TemplateData.
getTemplate() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateFiller
Get the Template for direct manipulation.
getTemplate() - Method in class xbn.template.util.GetTemplateFrom
Get the Template from the constructor parameters.
getTemplate(int) - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateArray
Get the requested Template for direct manipulation.
getTemplate(String) - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateArray
Get the requested Template for direct manipulation.
getTemplateData() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get the TemplateData for direct manipulation.
getTemplateData() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateDataOrString
Get the TemplateData object derived from the source text.
getTemplateData(int) - Method in class xbn.template.TDOSArray
Get the TemplateData from the requested TemplateDataOrString.
getTemplateDataOrString(int) - Method in class xbn.template.TDOSArray
Get the requested TemplateDataOrString for direct manipulation.
getTemplateDataOrString(String) - Method in class xbn.template.TDOSArray
Get the requested TemplateDataOrString for direct manipulation.
GetTemplateFrom - class xbn.template.util.GetTemplateFrom.
Base class for quickly getting a Template object from a ForLineRetrieval.
GetTemplateFrom(String, ForLineRetrieval, GapConfig, Outputter, TFilter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTemplateFrom
Create a Template from source text.
getTemplateName() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the name of the template being analyzed.
getTemplateOrderedGaps() - Method in class xbn.template.util.GetTOGFrom
GetTFFile - class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile.
A GetTemplateFrom where the source text comes from a file.
GetTFFile(String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, String, GapConfig, Outputter, TFilter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
GetTFFile(String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFFile
Create a Template from a source text file.
getTFilter() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get the TFilter for direct manipulation.
GetTFString - class xbn.template.util.GetTFString.
A GetTemplateFrom where the source text comes from a string.
GetTFString(String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, String, GapConfig, Outputter, TFilter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
GetTFString(String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTFString
Create a Template from source text.
getTLAOForGJL(Outputter) - Method in class xbn.jdlcode.UtilJDLCode
Get the TLAObjects needed for getJavadocLine.
GetTOG1FFile - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile.
A GetTOG1From where the source text comes from a file.
GetTOG1FFile(String, OGCOne) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, OGCOne, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, OGCOne, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, OGCOne) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, OGCOne, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, OGCOne, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, OGCOne, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1FFile(String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FFile
Create a GetTOG1FFile.
GetTOG1From - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1From.
A GetTOGFrom for retrieving TOGOnes.
GetTOG1From(String, ForLineRetrieval, OGCOne, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1From
Create a TOGOne.
GetTOG1FString - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString.
A GetTOG1From where the source text comes from a string.
GetTOG1FString(String, OGCOne) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, OGCOne, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, OGCOne, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, OGCOne) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, OGCOne, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, OGCOne, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, OGCOne, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG1FString(String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1FString
Create a GetTOG1FString.
GetTOG2FFile - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile.
A GetTOG2From where the source text comes from a file.
GetTOG2FFile(String, OGCTwo) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, OGCTwo, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, OGCTwo, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, OGCTwo) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, OGCTwo, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, OGCTwo, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, OGCTwo, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2FFile(String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FFile
Create a GetTOG2FFile.
GetTOG2From - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2From.
A GetTOGFrom for retrieving TOGTwos.
GetTOG2From(String, ForLineRetrieval, OGCTwo, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2From
Get a TOGTwo from the requested template name, ForLineRetrieval, GapConfig, OGCTwo and Outputter.
GetTOG2FString - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString.
A GetTOG2From where the source text comes from a string.
GetTOG2FString(String, OGCTwo) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, OGCTwo, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, OGCTwo, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, OGCTwo) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, OGCTwo, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, OGCTwo, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, OGCTwo, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG2FString(String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2FString
Create a GetTOG2FString.
GetTOG3FFile - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile.
A GetTOG3From where the source text comes from a file.
GetTOG3FFile(String, OGCThree) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, OGCThree, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, OGCThree, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, OGCThree) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, OGCThree, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, OGCThree, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, OGCThree, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
extends XBNObject
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3FFile(String, String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FFile
Create a GetTOG3FFile.
GetTOG3From - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3From.
A GetTOGFrom for retrieving TOGThrees.
GetTOG3From(String, ForLineRetrieval, OGCThree, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3From
Create a TOGThree.
GetTOG3FString - class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString.
A GetTOG3From where the source text comes from a string.
GetTOG3FString(String, OGCThree) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, OGCThree, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, OGCThree, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, OGCThree) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, OGCThree, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, OGCThree, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, OGCThree, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, String) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, String, GapConfig) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, String, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOG3FString(String, String, String, String, String, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3FString
Create a GetTOG3FString.
GetTOGFrom - class xbn.template.util.GetTOGFrom.
A GetTemplateFrom for retrieving TemplateOrderedGaps.
GetTOGFrom(String, ForLineRetrieval, OGConfig, GapConfig, Outputter) - Constructor for class xbn.template.util.GetTOGFrom
Create a TemplateOrderedGaps from source text.
getTOGOne() - Method in class xbn.template.util.GetTOG1From
getTOGThree() - Method in class xbn.template.util.GetTOG3From
getTOGTwo() - Method in class xbn.template.util.GetTOG2From
getTParseConfig() - Method in class xbn.template.TemplateLineAnalyzer
Get the TParseConfig for direct manipulation.
getTrimData() - Method in class xbn.string.TrimChars
Get information about the just-called trim or get.
getTrimmed() - Method in class xbn.string.StringOrBuffer
Get the value of this StringOrBuffer, after trimming whitespace from the ends.
getTrimmed() - Method in class xbn.string.SOBString
getTrimmed() - Method in class xbn.string.SOBStringBuffer
getType_ILMNT_OOBOUNDS() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_LENGTH() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_LMNT_DUPLICATE() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_LMNT_ILLEGAL() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_LMNT_OOORDER() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_NULL() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_SLMNT_CONTAINED() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_SLMNT_LENGTH() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_SLMNT_NULL() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType_VALID() - Static method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getType() - Method in class xbn.array.primitive.PAViolation
getUniqueString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringPAS
Get the UniqueString at the requested array index.
getUniqueString(int) - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get the UniqueString at the requested array index.
getUniqueString(String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLHashtable
Get the UniqueString object having a certain key.
getUniqueStringPAS() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get a UniqueStringPAS representing the string within each UniqueString.
getUniqueStringPAS(PARString) - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get a UniqueStringPAS representing the string within each UniqueString.
getUnitsToExpire() - Method in class xbn.util.TimerUnits
Get the total number of units until expiration.
getUnqArrIdx() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueString
Get the unique array index of the string.
getUnqArrIdxFromAbs(int) - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Given the provided absolute gap's array index, what is the array index for the corresponding unique gap?
getUnqStrCount() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLCreator
Is it known how many unique strings will be provided?
getUnqStrList() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the list of strings in the original array as a list.
getUnqStrList(String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the list of strings in the original array as a list.
getUnqStrList(String, String) - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the list of strings in the original array as a list.
getUSAPAbsolute() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the absolute UniqueStringAP for direct manipulation.
getUSAPAbsolute() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get the UniqueStringAP, which contains all absolute gaps.
getUSAPClone() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueStringAP
Get a full (deep) copy ofthis UniqueStringAP.
getUSAPUnique() - Method in class xbn.array.AOSLookup
Get the unique UniqueStringAP for direct manipulation.
getUSAPUnique() - Method in class xbn.template.Template
Get the UniqueStringAP, which contains all unique gaps.
getUSCIgnore() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCVUnescape
Get the USCIgnore for direct manipulation.
getUSCIgnore() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.USConfig
Get the USCIgnore for direct manipulation.
getUSCIgnore() - Method in class xbn.template.TParseConfig
Get the USCIgnore for direct manipulation.
getUSClone() - Method in class xbn.array.UniqueString
Get a full (deep) copy of this UniqueString.
getUSConfig() - Method in class xbn.string.escape.UnescapeString
Get the USConfig for direct manipulation.
getValue() - Method in class xbn.config.CRLineAnalyzer
Get the value of the variable existing on this line.
getValueBoolean(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as a boolean.
getValueBoolean(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as a boolean.
getValueBoolean(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a boolean.
getValueBoolean(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a boolean.
getValueChar(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as a char.
getValueChar(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as a char.
getValueChar(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a char.
getValueChar(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a char.
getValueDouble(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as a double.
getValueDouble(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as a double.
getValueDouble(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a double.
getValueDouble(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a double.
getValueInt(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as an int.
getValueInt(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as an int.
getValueInt(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as an int.
getValueInt(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as an int.
getValueSB(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as a StringBuffer.
getValueSB(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as a StringBuffer.
getValueSB(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a String.
getValueSB(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a String.
getValueString(sb_sb_c) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the configuration variable, as a string.
getValueString(VWObject, int) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable, as a string.
getValueString(VWObject, int, String) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a double.
getValueString(VWObject, int, String[]) - Method in class xbn.config.UtilConfig
Get the value of the desired configuration variable (which must have a particular name) as a string.
getVarDelimsAPC() - Method in class xbn.config.CRCDelimiters
Get an APChar containing the variable delimiters.
getVarStartLine() - Method in class xbn.config.CRLineAnalyzer
At which line did the current variable start?
getVector() - Method in class xbn.array.VectorWrapper
Get the vector for direct manipulation.
getVector() - Method in class xbn.util.DirScan
Get the paths of all the files and directories analyzed for.
getVerificationSelect() - Method in class xbn.db.DBConnDirect
Get the trivial sql that verifies the connection is currently and truly connected to the database.
getVisible(char) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilChar
Get a string to visible represent this (potentially) invisible character.
getVisible(String) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilString
Get a copy of the String, where the contents' invisible characters are made visible.
getVisible(StringBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilStringBuffer
Get a copy of the StringBuffer, where the contents' invisible characters are made visible.
getVisible(StringOrBuffer) - Method in class xbn.string.UtilSOB
Get a copy of the StringOrBuffer (as an SOBStringBuffer), where the contents' invisible characters are made visible.
getVWCClone() - Method in class xbn.array.VWChar
Get a full (deep) copy of this VWChar.
getVWIClone() - Method in class xbn.array.VWObject
Get a copy of this VWObject.
getVWIClone() - Method in class xbn.array.VWDouble
Get a full (deep) copy of this VWDouble.
getVWIClone() - Method in class xbn.array.VWInt
Get a full (deep) copy of this VWInt.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRCFileActual) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRCFileActual, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRCFileActual, Outputter, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRCFileActual, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, Outputter, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, CRConfig, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReader
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, Outputter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, Outputter, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWObject(ForLineRetrieval, VWObject, CRFilter) - Method in class xbn.config.ConfigReaderFA
Get the VWObject containing all configuration variables read in from the source text.
getVWSClone() - Method in class xbn.array.VWString
Get a full (deep) copy of this VWString.
getVWSClone() - Method in class xbn.named.VWNamed
Get a full (deep) copy of this VWNamed.
getWidth() - Method in class xbn.programs.UtilCommandLine
Get the width value, exactly as provided to the constructor.
getXMinusYDays(Date, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many days separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYHours(Date, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many hours separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYMinutes(Date, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many minutes separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYSeconds(Date, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many seconds separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYUnits(Date, Date, long) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many units separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYUnitsLong(Date, Date, long) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many units, represented by a long, separate the provided dates?
getXMinusYWeeks(Date, Date) - Method in class xbn.util.UtilDate
How many weeks separate the provided dates?
getXMsgPrefix() - Static method in class xbn.XBNObject
Get the prefix used in exception messages.


Copyright 1997-2003, Jeff Epstein, All Rights Reserved. See top of source code files for copyright notice.




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