Package xbn.array

Create, analyze and manipulate arrays.


TOP        Class Summary
AOOValid Ensure an array of objects is valid, according to the rules existing in an AOOVConfig.
AOOVCAll An AOOVConfig with everything fully enforced.
AOOVConfig Manages the configuration for AOOValid.isValid.
AOSLCreator Convenience class for creating an AOSLookup.
AOSLHashtable Holds metadata for an array of (possibly unique) string values in a Hashtable, for use in an AOSLookup.
AOSLookup Holds metadata about an array of strings.
APChar An ArrayProtector for chars.
APInt An ArrayProtector for chars.
APObject An ArrayProtector for Objects.
APString An ArrayProtector for an array of strings.
ArrayProtector The base class for protecting an array, by only allowing access to its elements.
BinarySearchData Data necessary to do a binary search with.
CACAtLeast A CAConfig declaring that missing values are unacceptable.
CACExact A CACAtLeast declaring that extra values are unacceptable.
CAConfig Manges configuration for CompareArrays.
CompareArrays Compare the values in two PrimitiveArrays.
PASArrayProtector A PrimitiveArrayString that wraps around an ArrayProtector.
UniqueString Metadata for a unique string contained in an array.
UniqueStringAP An APObject for UniqueStrings.
UniqueStringPAS A PASObject where the string is UniqueString[x].getString().
UtilArray Random functions to create, manipulate and analyze arrays.
VectorWrapper Wraps around a Vector, to aid and enhance the process of creating arrays of unknown length.
VWChar A VectorWrapper for chars.
VWDouble A VectorWrapper for doubles.
VWInt A VectorWrapper for ints.
VWObject A VectorWrapper for java.lang.Objects.
VWString A VectorWrapper for java.lang.Strings.

TOP        Package xbn.array Description

Create, analyze and manipulate arrays.

Copyright 1997-2003, Jeff Epstein, All Rights Reserved. See top of source code files for copyright notice. Logo